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LP:  Louis Armstrong with Louis Russell and his Orchestra — The Golden Swing Years - Vol. 5 - A Collection Of Historical Recordings - 1934/36
Label: Brunswick
Label-Nummer: 87529
Aufnahmedatum: 1934-36
Aufnahmeort: Paris / New York
extern: Discogs   
Tonträger: LP
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Louis "Satchmo" ArmstrongUSld, tp, voc,
Louis BaconUStp,
Leslie ThompsonGBtp,
Leonard DavisUStp,
Gus AikenUStp,
Jack HamiltonUStp,
James Jimmy ArcheyUStb,
Lionel Guimaraes tb,
Harry WhiteUStb,
Charlie HolmesUSas,
Henry TyreeUSas,
Henry JonesUSas,
Peter DucongéFRas, cl,
Alfred PrattUSts,
Greely WaltonUSts,
Bingie MadisonUScl, ts,
Luis RussellUSp,
Herman ChittisonUSp,
George "Pops" FosterUSb,
German Arago b,
Paul BarbarinUSd,
Oliver TinesUSd,
Maceo JeffersonUSg,
Lee BlairUSg,
1-1Will you, won't you be my baby
1-2Song of the vipers
1-3I'm in the mood for love
1-4La cucaracha
1-5Got a bran' new suit
1-6I' ve got my fingers crossed
1-7Old man mose
1-8I'm shooting high
1-9Falling in love with you
1-10Red sails in the sunset
1-11On treasure Island
1-12Thanks a million
1-13Shoe shine boy
1-14The music goes 'round and around
This is identical to LP-13636 but with another Label-Nummer