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LP:  Irving Mills and his Hotsy Totsy Gang — Doin' the New Low Down 1928 -1929 Vol.1
Label: Retrieval
Label-Nummer: FJ-122
Aufnahmedatum: 1928-29
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: New York
Tonträger: LP
Jimmy McPartlandUSco,
Fud LivingstonUScl, ts,
Jack PettisUScmel,
Dudley FosdickUSmel,
Vic BreidisUSp,
Eddie LangUSg,
Harry GoodmanUStub,
Ben PollackUSd,
Perry BotkinUSbjo, uk,
Elisabeth WelchGBvoc,
Al HarrisUSco,
Jack TeagardenUStb,
Benny GoodmanUSas, cl, ss,
Gil RodinUSas, cl,
Larry BinyonUSts,
Dick MorganUSbjo,
Irving MillsUSvoc,
Ray BauducUSd,
Ballew SmithUSvoc,
Bill MooreUSco,
Tommy DorseyUStb,
Jimmy DorseyUScl, as,
Jack CornellUSacc,
Al GoeringUSp,
Clay BrysonUSbjo,
Merrill KlineUStub,
Dillon OberUSd,
Mannie KleinUStp,
Phil NapoleonUStp,
Milfred Miff MoleUStb,
Arnold BrilhartUSas, cl,
Frank SignorelliUSp,
Joe TartoUStub,
Chauncey MorehouseUSd,
Lilian MortonUSvoc,
1-1Doin' the new low down A
1-2Doin' the new low down G
1-3Diga diga do A
1-4Diga diga do G
1-5Don't mess around with me A
1-6Don't mess around with me B
1-8I couldn't if I wanted to
1-9Since you went away
1-10Futuristic rhythm A
1-11Futuristic rhythm B
1-12Out where the Blues begin
1-13What a night
1-14St Louis Blues
1-15Can't we get togrther ?
1-16Sweet Savannah Sue