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LP:  Count Basie and his Orchestra (Record 1) - Count Basie and the Mills Brothers (Record 2) — "HALF A SIXPENCE"
Count Basie: Music from the Paramount Motion Picture: "Half a sixpence"
Label: Vogue
Label-Nummer: SLVLXD. 646
Aufnahmedatum: 1967
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: New York
extern: Discogs   
Tonträger: LP
Count BasieUSld, p,
Victor PazPAtp,
Ernie RoyalUStp,
Al AaronsUStp, flh,
Sam NotoUStp,
Gene CoeUStp,
Richard BooneUStb,
Grover MitchellUStb,
Harlan FloydUStb,
Bill HughesUSb-tb,
Marshall RoyalUSas, cl,
Bobby PlaterUSas, fl,
Illinois JacquetUSts,
Eric DixonUSts, fl,
Charlie FowlkesUSbar,
Norman KeenanUSb,
Ed ShaughnessyUSd,
Freddie GreenUSg,
Herbert MillsUSvoc,
Donald MillsUSvoc,
Nat PavoneUStp,
Frank FosterUSts,
Norman BrownUSg,
Sol GubinUSd,
Harvey MillsUSvoc,
Snooky YoungUStp,
1-1Half a sixpence
1-2A proper gentleman
1-3She's too far above me
1-4I know what I am
1-5This is my world
1-6All In the cause of economy
1-7If the rain's got to fall
1-8I don't believe a word of It
1-9Flash, bang, wallop !
1-10Mrs. Botting's boating
1-11I'm not talking to you
1-12Money to burn
2-1Lazy river
2-2I may be wrong but I think you're wonderful
2-3Release me
2-4I want to be happy
2-5Down - down - down
2-6The whiffenpoof song
2-7I dig rock and roll music
2-8Tiny bubbles
2-10Let me dream
2-11April in Paris