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LP:  Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra — TOMMY DORSEY 1944 - 46
Label: Sunbeam Records
Label-Nummer: SB-220
Aufnahmedatum: 1944+45
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: Hollywood / Chicago / Mission Beach CA.
Tonträger: LP
Sid BlockUSb,
Bruce BransonUSbar,
Sid CooperUSas,
Gale CurtisUSts,
Buddy DeFrancoUSas, cl,
Tommy DorseyUStb,
Stuart FosterUSvoc,
Mickey ManganoUStp,
Dodo MarmarosaUSp,
Tex SatterwaiteUStb,
George SeabergUStp,
Charlie ShaversUStp,
Bonny-Lou WilliamsUSvoc,
Gerald GoffUStp,
Seymour Sy BakerUStp,
Dick NoelUStb,
Karl DeKarskeUStb,
Alex BellerUSvio,
Leonard AtkinsUSvio,
Bernard TinterowUSvio,
Manny FiddlerUSvio,
Ruth GoodmanUSvio,
Joseph GoodmanUSvio,
Raoul PoliakinEGvio,
Seymour Miros vio,
Alphonse SchipaniUSvio,
Joseph ReilichUSvio,
Harold KohenUSvio,
Helen JanovUSvio,
Kalman ReveUSvio,
David UchitelUSvla,
Milton ThomasUSvla,
Fred CameliaUSclo,
David GreenbaumUSclo,
Reba RobinsonUSharp,
Fibor Shik frh,
Philip PalmerUSfrh,
Adolph SchulzeUSfrh,
Hugh LowdenUSfrh,
Harold GombergUSob,
Jess StacyUSp,
Bob BainUSg,
Buddy RichUSd,
The SentimentalistsUSvoc,
Gus BivonaUScl, as,
Vido MussoUSts,
Dale PearceUStp,
Sol La PercheUStp,
Walter BensonUStb,
Nelson RiddleUStb,
Mickey SabolUSts,
Ben Blackman vio,
Royal Johnson vio,
Paul Kahn vio,
Robert Konrad vio,
Ruth Rubinstein vio,
Peter Vinitranes vio,
Sheppard Lehnhoff vla,
Frances LangfordUSvoc,
1-1Theme (I'm gettin' sentimental)
1-2On the Atchison,Topeka and the Santa Fe
1-3Opus 1
1-4Out of this world
1-6On the sunny side of the street
1-7Song of India
1-8That's it
1-9Opening annoucement
1-10Heat wave
1-11I've found a new baby
1-12I never knew
1-13The world is waiting for the sunrise
1-14I'll be seeing you
1-15I got rhythm
1-16As time goes by
1-17Hawaiian war chant