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Musiker: Marotta, Rick
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: d

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Anzahl Alben: 20

Alben auf denen " Marotta, Rick" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
XBob James  —  SIGN OF THE TIMESCBSCBS 852261981LP
 David Sanborn  —  HideawayWarner Bros.BSK3379 LP
 David Sanborn  —  Love SongsWarner Bros.9362-460002-21995CD
 David Sanborn  —  Taking offWarner Bros.BS2873 LP
 David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsSP-4677 LP
 Donny Hathaway with Orchestra  —  EXTENSION OF A MANATCO RecordsSD 70291973LP
 Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduKU 111973LP
 Eumir Deodato  —  JAZZ MAGAZINECTI Records0043.001 (Stereo)1972LP
 Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsCTI 60291973LP
 Eumir Deodato and Orchestra  —  BEST OF DEODATOCTI Records63.0221973LP
 Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticATL 50 3871978LP
 Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticSD 83031971LP
 Janis Siegel  —  At HomeAtlantic81748-11987LP
 John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsTKR 833551978LP
 Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDSKS80111979LP
 Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaPC347111977LP
 Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsAV-4431983LP
 Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinMarlin2210 LP
 Tom Scott  —  Blow it outEpic349661971LP
 Tom Scott  —  STREET BEATCBSAL 361371978LP
20 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 84

Tracks auf denen " Marotta, Rick" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
8 days on the road Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Agave Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
Airborne David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsLP
Awake Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Butterfat David Sanborn  —  Taking offWarner Bros.LP
Car wars Tom Scott  —  STREET BEATCBSLP
Carly's song David Sanborn  —  HideawayWarner Bros.LP
Country bumpkin David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsLP
Creeper David Sanborn  —  HideawayWarner Bros.LP
Dingue li bangue Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticLP
Do it again Eumir Deodato and Orchestra  —  BEST OF DEODATOCTI RecordsLP
Do you wanna be loved John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsLP
Doesn't she know by now David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsLP
Duck ankles David Sanborn  —  Taking offWarner Bros.LP
Ella fue (she was the one) Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
En orbita Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Girl of the north country Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Gotcha (Theme from "Starsky & Hutch") Tom Scott  —  Blow it outEpicLP
I know it's you Donny Hathaway with Orchestra  —  EXTENSION OF A MANATCO RecordsLP
In this time John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsLP
It is so beautiful to be Tom Scott  —  Blow it outEpicLP
It's heavy Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
It's your move Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Jemima surrender Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Juan Pachanga (daylight) Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Jubileo Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Keep cool (Don't be a fool) Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Lou's blues Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
Lugar comum (Common place) Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticLP
Night trane Janis Siegel  —  At HomeAtlanticLP
Nights in white satin Eumir Deodato and Orchestra  —  BEST OF DEODATOCTI RecordsLP
O how I want to love you Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticLP
O meu amor chorou (Cry of love) Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticLP
Pavane for a dead princess Eumir Deodato and Orchestra  —  BEST OF DEODATOCTI RecordsLP
Peanuts (the peanut vendor) Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Pelé Herbie Mann and Orchestra  —  BRAZIL - ONCE AGAINAtlanticLP
Rhapsody in blue Eumir Deodato and Orchestra  —  BEST OF DEODATOCTI RecordsLP
Shadows Tom Scott  —  Blow it outEpicLP
Skyscrapers Eumir Deodato  —  JAZZ MAGAZINECTI RecordsLP
Smoothin' on down Tom Scott  —  Blow it outEpicLP
Steady (fijo) Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
Superstar David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsLP
The Ballerina David Spinozza  —  SpinozzaA&M RecordsLP
The bitter end Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
The Water Is Wide David Sanborn  —  Love SongsWarner Bros.CD
Theme from M*A*S*H* Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
Theme from the Devlin Connection Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
Times Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
To touch you again lady blue John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsLP
Too hip for the room Patrick Williams  —  Dreams and ThemesAllegiance RecordsLP
Tropea Eumir Deodato  —  JAZZ MAGAZINECTI RecordsLP
Verão vermelho Papo Lucca  —  Fania All-Stars Rhythm machineFaniaLP
When I was a young man Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Where did my baby go Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
You don't know nothing about love Howard Tate  —  HOWARD TATEAtlanticLP
Your'e my every need John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsLP
Yours next to mine John Tropea  —  TO TOUCH YOU AGAINT. K. RecordsLP
Forecast Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
Tonsue Corte Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
White Moth Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
Cleopatra Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
Dindi Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
Killing Me Softly With His Song Eric Gale  —  ForecastKuduLP
Nights in the white satin Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsLP
Pavane for a dead princess Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsLP
Skyscrapers Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsLP
Super strut Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsLP
Rhapsody in blue Eumir Deodato and large Orchestra  —  DEODATO 2CTI RecordsLP
Part one Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
Part two Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
Part three Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
Smoke rings and wine Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
I cross my heart Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
It feels so good Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
If I'm still around tomorrow Ralph MacDonald  —  The PathMarlinLP
Goin' away Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
Spanish fantasy Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
It isn't fair to run away Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
Song for Georgi Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
Funky surf Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
Sarara Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
See-saw song Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
Childhood dream Mikio Masuda and Orchestra  —  GOIN' AWAYELECTRIC BIRDLP
84 Einträge