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Musiker: Kemp, Lamar
Instrumente: cl

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Anzahl Alben: 3

Alben auf denen " Kemp, Lamar" mitwirkt:
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 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsCLP-10001 LP
 Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsCLP-10003 LP
 Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsCLP-10002 LP
3 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 44

Tracks auf denen " Kemp, Lamar" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
South Rampart Street Parade Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
South Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Reindeer Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Jambalaya Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Bye Bye Blues Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Mexicali Rose Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Way Down Yonder In New Orleans Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Out On The Texas Plains Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
San Antonio Rose Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Tiger Rag Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Bill Bailey Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Sleep Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Red River Valley Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Red Hot Mamma Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Fidgety Feet Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
12th Street Rag Crust Light Doughboys Bearkats  —  Knocky Parker And Smokey Montgomery The BarrelhouseCircle RecordsLP
Boogie Woogie Stomp Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Cow Cow Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
How Long, How Long Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Gin Mill Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
St. Louis Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Dallas Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Black Snake Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Vicksburg Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Josephine Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Ross Tavern Boogie Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Waxahachie Chicken Shack Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Working My Way Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Keep A-knockin' Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery Texas Swing - The Boogie WoogieCircle RecordsLP
Tin Roof Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Wabash Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
I Ain't Got Nobody Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Oh! Lonsome Me Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Lonsome Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Down Hearted Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Tishomingo Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Corrine, Corrina Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Sugar Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Shoe Shiner's Drag Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Blue Yodel Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Wining Boy Blues Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
On The Wings Of A Dove Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
Sister Kate Knocky Parker  —  And Smokey Montgomery . . .And The BluesCircle RecordsLP
44 Einträge