Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-1: "September song"

Interpret: Sidney Bechet and his Circle Seven

Recording: 31.01.1949 New York

Genre  Subgenre
Mainstream Jazz  Swing


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Sidney Bechet — STAR EDITION

Label: Barclay
Label-Nummer: 0086.014-2
Aufnahmedatum: 1949
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: Chicago / New York / Paris
Tonträger: LP
Mitwirkende / weitere Interpreten- Sidney Bechet and his Circle Seven;
- Sidney Bechet's Jazz Limited Orchestra;
- Sidney Bechet with Bob Wiber and his Band;
- Sidney Bechet and his Feetwarmers;
- Sidney Bechet and his French Band.