Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-5: "Yellow dog blues"

Interpret: The Rhythmakers

Recording: 26.07.1932 New York

Genre  Subgenre


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Fats Waller — fats plays, sings, alone and with various groups

fats waller do you like Jazz 18
Label: CBS
Label-Nummer: 63366
Aufnahmedatum: 1922-32
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: New York
Tonträger: LP
Liner Notes Verfasser: Dizzy Gillespie
Mitwirkende / weitere Interpreten-Thomas "Fats" Waller;
- The Rhythmakers;
- The Little Chocolate Dandies;
- Red McKenzie and his Mound City Blue Blowers;
- Ted Lewis and his Band;
- Jack Teagarden and his Orchestra.