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Musiker: Weems, Ted
Nationalität: US
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Anzahl Alben: 12

Alben auf denen " Weems, Ted" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersTOM-231928-1930LP
 Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERAAJA 50291926-31LP
 Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP 31-1311940-41LP
 Various  —  "Dance Band Hits"RCA VictorLPT-21930-41LP
 Various  —  BIG BAND THEMES ON THE AIR (1932 - 1946)Onward to YesterdayOTY-2501*1932-46LP
 Various  —  Runnin' WildASV Living EraAJA 50171921-31LP
 Various  —  THE BIG BAND ERA - THE PASSING OF THE 40's Volume 7Productions OmegaLSP-46071940-49LP
 Various  —  The Big Band Era - The Passing of the 40's - Volume IIProductions OmegaLSP - 46021940-1949LP
 Various  —  The Stash Christmas AlbumStash RecordsST1251925-53LP
 Various  —  Those Memory Years, Volume 1Living soundDL 7346631926-51LP
 Various  —  VICTORIOUS JAZZ, VOLUME 1The Old MastersTOM-481925-28LP
 Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP-40041945-47LP
12 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 67

Tracks auf denen " Weems, Ted" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
9:20 special Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP
A girl friend of a boy friend of mine Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
a. Russ Morgan: Does your heart beat for me (1946); - b. Frankie Carle: Sunrise serenade (1946); - c. Chuck Foster: Oh,you beautiful Doll (1945); - d. Ted Weems: Out of the night (1937) Various  —  BIG BAND THEMES ON THE AIR (1932 - 1946)Onward to YesterdayLP
At the bala laika Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Beat me daddy eight to the bar Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Black eyes Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Chick,chick.chick,chick chicken ( Lay a little egg for me) Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Closing Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Cobblestones Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Collegiate love Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Come on baby Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Come on, baby! Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Devil may care Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Egyptian Ella Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Egyptian Ella Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Faithful forever Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
From saturday night to sunday morning Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Goody goodbye Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Harmonica Harry Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Harmonica harry Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Heartaches Various  —  Those Memory Years, Volume 1Living soundLP
Heartaches Various  —  "Dance Band Hits"RCA VictorLP
I found a new baby Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
I found you out when I found you in Various  —  VICTORIOUS JAZZ, VOLUME 1The Old MastersLP
I walk with music Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
I'm stepping out with a memory tonight Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Jig time Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Make love with a guitar Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Marvellous ! Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Miss Annabelle Lee Various  —  VICTORIOUS JAZZ, VOLUME 1The Old MastersLP
Miss wonderful Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Mister Meadowlark Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Misterious Mose Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
My cutey's due at two-to-two today Various  —  VICTORIOUS JAZZ, VOLUME 1The Old MastersLP
My favourite band Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
My troubles are over Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Oh! if I only had you Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Oh, Mo'nah Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
On the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP
On the Montana plains Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP
On the sunny side of the street Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP
Our love affair Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Piccolo Pete Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Piccolo pete Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Play that hot guitar! Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Remarkable girl Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Romance is everywhere Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Say it isn't so Various  —  THE BIG BAND ERA - THE PASSING OF THE 40's Volume 7Productions OmegaLP
She'll never find a fellow like me Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
She's got 'it' Various  —  Runnin' WildASV Living EraLP
Sierra Sue Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
Sing Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Slappin' the bass Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Slappin' the bass Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Talk of the town Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
The man from the south Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
The man from the south Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
The one'man band Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Theme ... Introduction Ted Weems And His Orchestra featuring Perry Como and Elmo Tanner  —  1940-41 BroadcastsFanfare RecordsLP
There's no you Vaughn Monroe - Ted Weems - Orrin Tucker  —  Spotlight on Vaughn Monroe, Ted Weems and Orrin TuckerJoyceLP
These foolish things Various  —  The Big Band Era - The Passing of the 40's - Volume IIProductions OmegaLP
Washing dishes with my sweetie Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
Washing dishes with my sweetie Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
What a day! Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Winter Wonderland Various  —  The Stash Christmas AlbumStash RecordsLP
You're the cream in my coffee Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  1928 - 1930The Old MastersLP
Yu're the cream in my coffee Ted Weems and his Orchestra  —  Marvellous !LIVING ERALP
67 Einträge