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Musiker: Johnson, Bill
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: bjo

Bilder mit " Johnson, Bill":
King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band — 1922 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band — 1920

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Anzahl Alben: 39

Alben auf denen " Johnson, Bill" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP-50091943-44LP
 Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce Music50091943-44LP
 Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  AFTER HOURSRCA VictorRCA-LPM-22271938LP
XErskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  AFTER HOURSRCA VictorLPM-22271938-46LP
 Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  AFTER HOURSRCA VictorLPM-2227*1938-46LP
 Johnny Dodds  —  WEARY WAY BLUESBYG Records529 0701923-40LP
 King Oliver  —  And His OrchestraEpicLN 242551923LP
XKing Oliver  —  King OliverPhilips07.8711923LP
 King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZBAND 1923Riverside88051923LP
 King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDOdeon10161923LP
 King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM Records491923LP
 King Oliver & His Creole Jazz Band  —  ClassicsClassics RecordsClassics 6501923CD
 King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDVJM RecordsVLP.491923LP
 King Oliver Creole Jazz Band  —  Louis Armstrong With King OliverLondon RecordsAL35041923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  CLASSIC JAZZJazz Story40.0021923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923I grandi del JAZZGdJ 651923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerSM 30891923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG Records529.0511923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Gennett Sides of April & October 1923RhapsodyRHA 60231923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Great 1923 GennettsHerwin RecordsHerwin 1061923LP
 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band with Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds  —  1923Classic Jazz MastersCJM 885021923LP
 King Oliver's Jazz Bands  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND 1923Music Parade CetraLEL 1871923LP
XLouis Armstrong  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG: 1923RiversideRLP 12-1221923LP
 Louis Armstrong  —  Young LOUIS ARMSTRONG - Great early recordingsRiversideRLP 12-1011923-25LP
 Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsHB 60281923-24LP
 Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsM-470171923-24LP
XLouis Armstrong with King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG with KING OLIVERLondon RecordsAL 35041923LP
 Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSS 880391926-30LP
 Luis Russell and his Orchestra  —  Luis Russell 1929-1930OdeonXOC 145*1929-1930LP
 Luis Russell Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBS - ColumbiaS 88039 /KG323381930-34LP
 Luis Russell Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His OrchestraOdeonOdeon XOC 1451929-1930LP
 Sonny Thompson  —  The Complete Recordings Volume 1, 1946-1948Blue MoonBMCD 60241946-48CD
 Sonny Thompson & His Orchestra  —  Cat On The KeysSwingtimeST 10271947 - 1956LP
 Various  —  GIANTS OF NEW ORLEANS JAZZ VOLUME 29Monkey RecordsMY 400291923-47LP
 Various  —  GIANTS OF NEW ORLEANS JAZZ VOLUME 30Monkey RecordsMY 400301923-53LP
 Various  —  NEW ORLEANS DAYSVogueDP 341923-53LP
 Various  —  THE BLUES NEW ORLEANS STYLEBYG Records529 0681922-24LP
 Various  —  The Chicago EraVogueDP. 351923-56LP
 Various  —  THE ORIGINS OF JAZZ VOL.17Monkey RecordsMY 400171904-26LP
39 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 336
Es werden max. 100 Tracks angezeigt.

Tracks auf denen " Johnson, Bill" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
African jungle Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Alligator Hop King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM RecordsLP
Alligator hop King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerLP
Alligator hop King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG RecordsLP
Alligator hop Various  —  NEW ORLEANS DAYSVogueLP
At The Darktopwn Strutter's Ball Luis Russell Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBS - ColumbiaLP
Barrelhouse Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Barrelhouse Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Blues in the night Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Blues in the night Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Broadway rhythm Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Call fo the freaks Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Canal street blues Johnny Dodds  —  WEARY WAY BLUESBYG RecordsLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM RecordsLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDOdeonLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDVJM RecordsLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZBAND 1923RiversideLP
Canal street blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Great 1923 GennettsHerwin RecordsLP
Canal street Blues Various  —  The Chicago EraVogueLP
Canal street blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG RecordsLP
Canal street blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Gennett Sides of April & October 1923RhapsodyLP
Canal street Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band with Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds  —  1923Classic Jazz MastersLP
Canal street blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Canal street Blues King Oliver's Jazz Bands  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND 1923Music Parade CetraLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923I grandi del JAZZLP
Canal street Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerLP
Canal Street Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  CLASSIC JAZZJazz StoryLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM RecordsLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDOdeonLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDVJM RecordsLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZBAND 1923RiversideLP
Chimes blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Great 1923 GennettsHerwin RecordsLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  CLASSIC JAZZJazz StoryLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923I grandi del JAZZLP
Chimes blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG RecordsLP
Chimes blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Gennett Sides of April & October 1923RhapsodyLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band with Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds  —  1923Classic Jazz MastersLP
Chimes blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Jazz Bands  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND 1923Music Parade CetraLP
Chimes Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerLP
Chimes Blues Various  —  NEW ORLEANS DAYSVogueLP
Clang clang clang Sonny Thompson & His Orchestra  —  Cat On The KeysSwingtimeLP
Dipper Mouth Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDOdeonLP
Dipper mouth Blues King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDVJM RecordsLP
Dipper mouth blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Great 1923 GennettsHerwin RecordsLP
Dipper mouth blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Dipper mouth blues Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Dipper mouth Blues King Oliver's Jazz Bands  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND 1923Music Parade CetraLP
Dipper mouth Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG RecordsLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM RecordsLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver  —  And His OrchestraEpicLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZBAND 1923RiversideLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  CLASSIC JAZZJazz StoryLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band with Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds  —  1923Classic Jazz MastersLP
Dippermouth Blues Various  —  GIANTS OF NEW ORLEANS JAZZ VOLUME 29Monkey RecordsLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923I grandi del JAZZLP
Dippermouth blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Gennett Sides of April & October 1923RhapsodyLP
Dippermouth Blues Various  —  The Chicago EraVogueLP
Dippermouth Blues King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerLP
Doctor Blues Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Doctor Blues Luis Russell and his Orchestra  —  Luis Russell 1929-1930OdeonLP
Don't cry baby Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Don't cry baby Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Down in the dumps Sonny Thompson & His Orchestra  —  Cat On The KeysSwingtimeLP
Eddie Green comedy bit Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Eddie Green comedy bit Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Eelibuj boogie Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Eelibuj Boogie Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Feelin' the spirit Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Feelin' the spirit Luis Russell and his Orchestra  —  Luis Russell 1929-1930OdeonLP
Frog I more Rag King Oliver's Jazz Bands  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND 1923Music Parade CetraLP
Froggie moore Johnny Dodds  —  WEARY WAY BLUESBYG RecordsLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver  —  king oliver's original creole jazz bandVJM RecordsLP
Froggie moore Various  —  THE BLUES NEW ORLEANS STYLEBYG RecordsLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDOdeonLP
Froggie moore King Oliver and his Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER'S CREOLE JAZZ BANDVJM RecordsLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band with Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds  —  1923Classic Jazz MastersLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923JokerLP
Froggie moore Various  —  THE ORIGINS OF JAZZ VOL.17Monkey RecordsLP
Froggie moore Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Froggie moore King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  CLASSIC JAZZJazz StoryLP
Froggie moore Louis Armstrong and King Oliver  —  Louis Armstrong and King OliverMilestone RecordsLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  KING OLIVER 1923I grandi del JAZZLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver  —  KING OLIVER AND HIS CREOLE JAZZBAND 1923RiversideLP
Froggie Moore King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  LOUIS ARMSTRONG, ARCHIVE OF JAZZ VOLUME 1BYG RecordsLP
Froggie more King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band  —  The Great 1923 GennettsHerwin RecordsLP
Frogie moore Various  —  NEW ORLEANS DAYSVogueLP
Ghost Of The Freaks Luis Russell Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBS - ColumbiaLP
Gin mill special Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Gin mill special Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra  —  JUBILEEJoyce MusicLP
Give me your telephone number Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Give me your telephone number Luis Russell and his Orchestra  —  Luis Russell 1929-1930OdeonLP
Give Me Your Telephone Number Luis Russell Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBS - ColumbiaLP
Higginbotham Blues Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
Higginbotham Blues Luis Russell Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell & His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBS - ColumbiaLP
High Society King Oliver  —  And His OrchestraEpicLP
High tension Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing Orchestra  —  Luis Russell and His Louisiana Swing OrchestraCBSLP
High tension Luis Russell and his Orchestra  —  Luis Russell 1929-1930OdeonLP
Abbruch nach 100 Einträgen