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Musiker: Freeman, Ernie
Nationalität: US
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Anzahl Alben: 38

Alben auf denen " Freeman, Ernie" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Al Bowlly and Nat Gonella with Lew Stone and his Band  —  TEN-THIRTY TUESDAY NIGHTAce of ClubsACL 11471932-37LP
 Amos Milburn  —  RARE MASTERSAladdin15663811946-56LP
 Amos Milburn and Band  —  13 Unrealeased MastersAladdin154670 11947-57LP
 Amos Milburn and Band  —  VICIOUS VICIOUS VODKAAladdin15614011947-57LP
 Amos Milburn and his Chickenshackers  —  Rock, Rock, RockRoute 66KIX-211947-57LP
 Ben Webster & Whitherspoon Jimmy  —  Jimmy Whitherspoon & Ben Webster That's JazzAtlantic56 2951962LP
 Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsC-3522 oder OJC-2391956LP
 Calvin Boze  —  HAVIN' A BALLMoonshineBLP 1131949-52LP
 Charles Brown  —  MILLION SELLERSImperial RecordsLP-91781948-55LP
 Dean Martin acc, by Orchestra cond. by Ernie Freeman  —  GENTLE ON MY MINDRepriseRS 6330 (Stereo)1968LP
 Dinah Washington acc. by Orchestra  —  SEPTEMBER IN THE RAINMercurySR-606381961LP
 Earl Bostic  —  Jazz-History Vol. 20Polydor2679 0241951-59LP
 Ernie Fields and his Orchestra  —  IN THE MOODUltra10251959LP
 Frank Sinatra  —  New York New YorkReprise92-3927-11962-79LP
XFrank Sinatra acc. by Orchestra cond. by Ernie Freeman  —  STRANGERS IN THE NIGHTReprise Records25 0741965-66LP
 Frank Sinatra acc. by Orchestra cond. by Nelson Riddle  —  STRANGERS IN THE NIGHTRepriseFS-10171966LP
 Frankie Ervin  —  Dragnet BluesEarth AngelJD-9021953-62LP
XHelen Humes  —  Be-Baba-Leba (1944 -52)Whiskey,Women,and ...KM-7011944-52LP
XHelen Humes  —  E-BABA-LE-BA - THE RHYTHM AND BLUES YEARSSavoySJL 11591944-50LP
 Jesse Belvin  —  Hang Your Tears Out To DryEarth AngelJD-9001952-58LP
 Jimmy Witherspoon  —  Mean Old Frisco 1963PrestigePR 78551963LP
 Jimmy Witherspoon  —  ROOTSAtlantic90535-11962LP
 Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol Records1C 038-85 099 M / 038 EMD 85 099 M1957-59LP
 Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BCRB 10411957-59LP
 Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol Records2 C 068-86528 M1957LP
 LaVern Baker  —  REAL gone GALCharly RecordsCRB 10721953-62LP
 Lew Stone and his Orchestra  —  MY KIND OF MUSICAce of ClubsACL 12311932-41LP
 Lorenzo Holden  —  Cry Of The Wounded JukeboxSouthlandSCD-261955 - 1962CD
 Plas Johnson  —  MOOD FOR THE BLUESCapitol RecordsST 15031960LP
 Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol Records2 C 068-86529 M1957LP
 Sarah Vaughan with Orchestra cond. by Gerald Wilson  —  Sarah Sings SoulfullyRoulette RecordsVR 560301963LP
 Sarah Vaughan with Orchestra cond. by Gerald Wilson  —  Sarah Sings SoulfullyRoulette RecordsR-521161963LP
 Sonny Knight Orchestras  —  ConfidentialMr R&BR&B-1071953-64LP
 The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelJD-9051951-56LP
XVarious  —  BLACK CALIFORNIASavoySJL 22151945-52LP
 Various  —  BluesMusica Jazz2 MJP 10071926-73LP
 Various  —  GOING TO CALIFORNIAJSPJSP 10751956-78LP
 Young Jessie  —  Shuffle in the gravelMr. R&B RecordsR&B-10041957-64LP
38 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 270
Es werden max. 100 Tracks angezeigt.

Tracks auf denen " Freeman, Ernie" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
A story untold Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
A story untold Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Ain't gonna quit you babyXVarious  —  BLACK CALIFORNIASavoyLP
Ain't gonna quit you babyXHelen Humes  —  E-BABA-LE-BA - THE RHYTHM AND BLUES YEARSSavoyLP
Airplane BluesXHelen Humes  —  Be-Baba-Leba (1944 -52)Whiskey,Women,and ...LP
Airplane bluesXHelen Humes  —  E-BABA-LE-BA - THE RHYTHM AND BLUES YEARSSavoyLP
Airplanes BluesXVarious  —  BLACK CALIFORNIASavoyLP
All the things you are Earl Bostic  —  Jazz-History Vol. 20PolydorLP
Annie Laurie Frankie Ervin  —  Dragnet BluesEarth AngelLP
Blow your blues away Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Body and soul Earl Bostic  —  Jazz-History Vol. 20PolydorLP
Bye bye baby Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Bye, bye, baby Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Can't you hear me callin' Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Can't you hear me callin' Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Can't you hear me callin' Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Canadian capers Al Bowlly and Nat Gonella with Lew Stone and his Band  —  TEN-THIRTY TUESDAY NIGHTAce of ClubsLP
Castin' my spell Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Cheryl Ann Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
Coldest cat in town Sonny Knight Orchestras  —  ConfidentialMr R&BLP
Come rain or come shine Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Confidential Sonny Knight Orchestras  —  ConfidentialMr R&BLP
Crazy country hop Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Cycle Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
Dinah Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Downstairs Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Dream girl Jesse Belvin  —  Hang Your Tears Out To DryEarth AngelLP
Emily The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Everyone knows Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Fool's paradise Charles Brown  —  MILLION SELLERSImperial RecordsLP
French fried potatoes and ketchup Amos Milburn and his Chickenshackers  —  Rock, Rock, RockRoute 66LP
Garden of weed Lew Stone and his Orchestra  —  MY KIND OF MUSICAce of ClubsLP
Good golly Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Hang your tears out to dry Jesse Belvin  —  Hang Your Tears Out To DryEarth AngelLP
Helen's adviceXHelen Humes  —  Be-Baba-Leba (1944 -52)Whiskey,Women,and ...LP
Helen's adviceXHelen Humes  —  E-BABA-LE-BA - THE RHYTHM AND BLUES YEARSSavoyLP
Helen's adviceXVarious  —  BLACK CALIFORNIASavoyLP
Hey now The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Hoppin' mad Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Hum ding a ling Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Hum ding a ling Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Hum ding a ling Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
I hate myself Lew Stone and his Orchestra  —  MY KIND OF MUSICAce of ClubsLP
I know The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
I need someone Amos Milburn  —  RARE MASTERSAladdinLP
I never had a chance Al Bowlly and Nat Gonella with Lew Stone and his Band  —  TEN-THIRTY TUESDAY NIGHTAce of ClubsLP
I'll be true Amos Milburn and Band  —  13 Unrealeased MastersAladdinLP
I'm a fool The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
I'm sorry now Frankie Ervin  —  Dragnet BluesEarth AngelLP
I've been accused The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
I've got news for you Calvin Boze  —  HAVIN' A BALLMoonshineLP
In the dark Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
In the dark Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
In the dark Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
It can't be true The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
It's a lonesome old world Various  —  BluesMusica JazzLP
It's too soon to know Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
It's too soon to know Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Jail bird Sonny Knight Orchestras  —  ConfidentialMr R&BLP
Jim Dandy got married LaVern Baker  —  REAL gone GALCharly RecordsLP
Juice, juice, juice Amos Milburn and Band  —  VICIOUS VICIOUS VODKAAladdinLP
Jungle pipe Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
Knockin' myself outXHelen Humes  —  E-BABA-LE-BA - THE RHYTHM AND BLUES YEARSSavoyLP
Knockin' myself outXVarious  —  BLACK CALIFORNIASavoyLP
Let's talk it over The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Little rockin' deacon Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Livin' In misery Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Lizzy Lou (part 1 & 2) Calvin Boze  —  HAVIN' A BALLMoonshineLP
Lonely river Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Loop de loop Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Loop de loop Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Lullaby in blue Lew Stone and his Orchestra  —  MY KIND OF MUSICAce of ClubsLP
Ma Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Ma he's makin' eyes at me Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Ma, he's makin' eyes at me Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Madness Sonny Knight Orchestras  —  ConfidentialMr R&BLP
Make believe Young Jessie  —  Shuffle in the gravelMr. R&B RecordsLP
Margie Young Jessie  —  Shuffle in the gravelMr. R&B RecordsLP
Medley: Oh ! Susanna - Good bye Blues - That's a plenty Al Bowlly and Nat Gonella with Lew Stone and his Band  —  TEN-THIRTY TUESDAY NIGHTAce of ClubsLP
Miss Otis regrets Al Bowlly and Nat Gonella with Lew Stone and his Band  —  TEN-THIRTY TUESDAY NIGHTAce of ClubsLP
Mumblin' Mosie Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
My heart is breaking Various  —  GOING TO CALIFORNIAJSPLP
My love grows stronger The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
One little blessing Jesse Belvin  —  Hang Your Tears Out To DryEarth AngelLP
Oooh The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Peggy The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Plas Jazz Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Please don't drive me away Charles Brown  —  MILLION SELLERSImperial RecordsLP
Popcorn Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Ring-a-ling Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Robbins nest cha cha Plas Johnson  —  ROCKIN' WITH THE PLASCapitol RecordsLP
Ruby Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
Santa Claus baby The Hollywood Flames  —  The John Dolphin SessionsEarth AngelLP
Santa Monica Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
Shake It Lucy baby Johnny Otis  —  ROCK 'N' ROLL ....REVUECharly R&BLP
Shake it Lucy baby Johnny Otis  —  JOHNNY OTISCapitol RecordsLP
Shake It, Lucy baby Johnny Otis  —  THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOWCapitol RecordsLP
Shuffle in the gravel Young Jessie  —  Shuffle in the gravelMr. R&B RecordsLP
Slappy's tune Buddy Collette  —  MAN OF MANY PARTSContemporary RecordsLP
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