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Musiker: Thornton, Norman
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: bar

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Anzahl Alben: 8

Alben auf denen " Thornton, Norman" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Claude Hopkins  —  CLAUDE HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1932 - 1933 1940Jazz ArchivesJA-41932-40LP
 Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsClassics 7331937-40CD
 Fletcher Henderson All Stars  —  The Big ReunionFresh Sound RecordsFSR CD 441957CD
 Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  BIG REUNIONHall of FameJG-6241957LP
 Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  THE BIG REUNIONJazztoneJ 12851957LP
 Fletcher Henderson All Stars Under The Direction Of Rex Stewart  —  The Big ReunionJazztone33T J 12851957CD
 Fletcher Henderson All-Stars cond. by Rex Stewart  —  Tribute To FLETCHER HENDERSONSynchroSJS 12681957LP
 Lucky Millinder  —  RAM-BUNK-SHUSHSing11631950-55LP
8 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 43

Tracks auf denen " Thornton, Norman" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
A little rain must fall Claude Hopkins  —  CLAUDE HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1932 - 1933 1940Jazz ArchivesLP
Honeysuckle rose Fletcher Henderson All Stars  —  The Big ReunionFresh Sound RecordsCD
Honeysuckle rose Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  THE BIG REUNIONJazztoneLP
Honeysuckle Rose Fletcher Henderson All Stars Under The Direction Of Rex Stewart  —  The Big ReunionJazztoneCD
Honeysuckle rose Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  BIG REUNIONHall of FameLP
Honeysuckle rose Fletcher Henderson All-Stars cond. by Rex Stewart  —  Tribute To FLETCHER HENDERSONSynchroLP
Loaded with love Lucky Millinder  —  RAM-BUNK-SHUSHSingLP
Out to lunch Claude Hopkins  —  CLAUDE HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1932 - 1933 1940Jazz ArchivesLP
Please be careful Lucky Millinder  —  RAM-BUNK-SHUSHSingLP
Ram-bunk-shush Lucky Millinder  —  RAM-BUNK-SHUSHSingLP
The Way She Walks Fletcher Henderson All Stars  —  The Big ReunionFresh Sound RecordsCD
The way she walks Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  THE BIG REUNIONJazztoneLP
The Way She Walks Fletcher Henderson All Stars Under The Direction Of Rex Stewart  —  The Big ReunionJazztoneCD
The way she walks Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  BIG REUNIONHall of FameLP
The way she walks Fletcher Henderson All-Stars cond. by Rex Stewart  —  Tribute To FLETCHER HENDERSONSynchroLP
What's the matter with me? Claude Hopkins  —  CLAUDE HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1932 - 1933 1940Jazz ArchivesLP
When I gave you my love Lucky Millinder  —  RAM-BUNK-SHUSHSingLP
Wrappin' It Up Fletcher Henderson All Stars  —  The Big ReunionFresh Sound RecordsCD
Wrappin' it up Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  THE BIG REUNIONJazztoneLP
Wrappin' It Up Fletcher Henderson All Stars Under The Direction Of Rex Stewart  —  The Big ReunionJazztoneCD
Wrappin' it up Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart  —  BIG REUNIONHall of FameLP
Wrappin' it up Fletcher Henderson All-Stars cond. by Rex Stewart  —  Tribute To FLETCHER HENDERSONSynchroLP
Yacht club swing Claude Hopkins  —  CLAUDE HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1932 - 1933 1940Jazz ArchivesLP
A Little Rain Must Fall Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Out To Lunch Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
The Singing Hills Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Yacht Club Swing Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
How Much Do You Mean To Me? Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Home Cookin' Mamma Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Spareribs And Spaghetti Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
I Let A Tear Fall In The River Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Walkin' The Dog Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Ja-Da (Ja-Da, Ja-Da, Jing-Jing-Jing!) Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Twinkle Dinkle Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Junk-Man's Serenade Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
My Kinda Love (One Way To Paradise) Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Church Street Sobbin' Blues Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
June Night Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Honey Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Swingin' Down The Lane Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
Sunday Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
I'd Believe In You Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
What's The Matter With Me? Claude Hopkins And His Orchestra  —  1937-1940 (The Chronological Series)Classics RecordsCD
43 Einträge