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23104 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: Jazztime
Musiker: Jones, Truett
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: tb

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Anzahl Alben: 28

Alben auf denen " Jones, Truett" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsHQ 20081940LP
 Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsSB-2031940+41LP
XHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941Musidisc30 JA 51501940+41LP
 Harry James  —  One Night Stand with Harry James Volume IIJoyce MusicLP-1024*1939-44LP
 Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESJokerSM 30581938-42LP
 Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaH 6261938-42LP
 Harry James & His Orch.  —  Radio YearsJazz UnlimitedJUCD 20231940/41CD
 Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsClassics 9361939CD
 Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939-1940Classics RecordsClassics 9701939-1940CD
 Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1940-1941Classics RecordsClassics 10141940-1941CD
 Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsHCD-2631939CD
 Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Hotel Astor RoofJazz UnlimitedJUCD 20671942CD
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  AMERICA DANCES BROADCASTFanfare Records9-1091939-40LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  HARRY JAMES PLAYS TRUMPET RHAPSODYHarmonyHL 71621939-42LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaCS 94301939-46LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaCL 26301939-46LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  LAURAHARMONYHS 113261939-54LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  ONE NIGHT STAND with HARRY JAMES Volumen 1Joyce MusicLP-10241939-44LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  SHARP AS A TACKSwing EraLP-10041939-59LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE BEAT OF THE BIG BANDSEmbassyEMB 310481931-55LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreP 143571939-41LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE UNHEARD HARRY JAMESBLU-DISCT-10101939-42LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE YOUNG HARRY JAMESJazz ArchivesJA-311939-41LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsSB-2331939-40LP
 Harry James and his Orchestra acc. by strings  —  ON THE AIR Volume 1Aircheck RecordsAIRCHECK 181940-46LP
 Various  —  BIG BAND JAZZ from Joe Davis 1940 -1952Harlequin RecordsHQ 20471940-52LP
 Various  —  JAZZ POTPOURRI VOLUME THREEMeritt Record SocietyMeritt 251933-47LP
 Various  —  The GLENN MILLER & HARRY JAMES BANDSCicalaBLJ 80051939-41LP
28 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 256
Es werden max. 100 Tracks angezeigt.

Tracks auf denen " Jones, Truett" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
'Tain't what you do Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
'Taint what you do Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaLP
'Taint what you do Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESJokerLP
A million dreams ago Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
Alice blue gown Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Alice blue gown Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
All or nothing at all Harry James  —  One Night Stand with Harry James Volume IIJoyce MusicLP
All Or Nothing At All Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
All Or Nothing At All Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
All or nothing at all Harry James and his Orchestra  —  ONE NIGHT STAND with HARRY JAMES Volumen 1Joyce MusicLP
All or nothing at all Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaLP
All or nothing at all Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaLP
And The Angels Sing Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Avalon Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Avalon Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
Avalon Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Back beat Boogie Harry James and his Orchestra  —  HARRY JAMES PLAYS TRUMPET RHAPSODYHarmonyLP
Back beat boogie Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaLP
Back beat boogie Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESJokerLP
Back beat Boogie Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Beer barrel polka Harry James and his Orchestra  —  AMERICA DANCES BROADCASTFanfare RecordsLP
Boog it Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
Carnival of Venice Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
Carnival of Venice Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Carnival of VeniceXHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
Carnival of Venice Various  —  BIG BAND JAZZ from Joe Davis 1940 -1952Harlequin RecordsLP
Cherokee Various  —  The GLENN MILLER & HARRY JAMES BANDSCicalaLP
Cherokee Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
CherokeeXHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
Ciribiribin Harry James  —  One Night Stand with Harry James Volume IIJoyce MusicLP
Ciribiribin Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
Ciribiribin Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
Ciribiribin Harry James and his Orchestra  —  ONE NIGHT STAND with HARRY JAMES Volumen 1Joyce MusicLP
Ciribiribin (Opening theme) Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaLP
Ciribiribin (Opening theme) Harry James and his Orchestra  —  Harry James' Greatest HitsColumbiaLP
Ciribiribin (Theme)XHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
Ciribiribin (They're so in love) Harry James and his Orchestra  —  LAURAHARMONYLP
Come and get it Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
Comes Love Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Comes love Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Concerto for trumpet Harry James and his Orchestra  —  AMERICA DANCES BROADCASTFanfare RecordsLP
Concerto for trumpet Harry James and his Orchestra acc. by strings  —  ON THE AIR Volume 1Aircheck RecordsLP
Cross country jump Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE YOUNG HARRY JAMESJazz ArchivesLP
Exactly like you Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
Exactly like you Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Fannie May Harry James and his Orchestra  —  SHARP AS A TACKSwing EraLP
Fannie-May Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Fanny May Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Feet Draggin' Blues Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Feet draggin' Blues Harry James and his Orchestra  —  AMERICA DANCES BROADCASTFanfare RecordsLP
Feet draggin' Blues Harry James and his Orchestra acc. by strings  —  ON THE AIR Volume 1Aircheck RecordsLP
Feet dragging blues Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESJokerLP
Feet dragging blues Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaLP
Flash Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Flash Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE YOUNG HARRY JAMESJazz ArchivesLP
Flash Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaLP
Flash Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Flight of the bumble bee Various  —  BIG BAND JAZZ from Joe Davis 1940 -1952Harlequin RecordsLP
Flight of the bumble bee Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESJokerLP
Flight of the bumble bee Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Flight of the bumble bee Harry James  —  SWINGING' WITH HARRY JAMESTop Classic HistoriaLP
Four or five times Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Four or five times Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
From The Bottom Of My Heart Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
From The Bottom Of My Heart Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
From the bottom of my heart Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE YOUNG HARRY JAMESJazz ArchivesLP
From the bottom of my heart Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE UNHEARD HARRY JAMESBLU-DISCLP
From the bottom of my heart Harry James and his Orchestra  —  AMERICA DANCES BROADCASTFanfare RecordsLP
Girl of my dreams Various  —  The GLENN MILLER & HARRY JAMES BANDSCicalaLP
Girl of my dreams Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
Girl of my dreamsXHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
Got No Time Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Headin' for hallelujah Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
Here Comes The Night Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Here Comes The Night Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
Hodge podge Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
How high is the moon Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
How high the moon Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
How high the moon Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
How high the moonXHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
I Can't Afford To Dream Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
I found a new baby Harry James  —  One Night Stand with Harry James Volume IIJoyce MusicLP
I Found A New Baby Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
I Found A New Baby Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
I found a new baby Harry James and his Orchestra  —  ONE NIGHT STAND with HARRY JAMES Volumen 1Joyce MusicLP
I found a new baby Harry James and his Orchestra  —  SHARP AS A TACKSwing EraLP
I found a new baby Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
I Poured My Heart Into A Song Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Feat.Frank SinatraHindsight RecordsCD
I'm in the market for you Harry James and his Orchestra  —  THE MAN WITH THE HORNEncoreLP
Indiana Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
It's a wonderful world Various  —  The GLENN MILLER & HARRY JAMES BANDSCicalaLP
It's a wonderful world Harry James  —  1940 / 1941Sunbeam RecordsLP
It's a wonderful worldXHarry James  —  HARRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1940 / 1941MusidiscLP
It's Funny To Everyone But Me Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
It's the last time Dick Haymes with Harry James and his Orchestra  —  16 RARE TITLES FROM 1940Harlequin RecordsLP
It's the last time I'll fall in love Harry James and his Orchestra - Ziggy Elman and his Orchestra  —  Harry James 1940 & Ziggy Elman 1939Sunbeam RecordsLP
It's the last time I'll fall in love Harry James and his Orchestra  —  SHARP AS A TACKSwing EraLP
King Porter Stomp Harry James & His Orchestra  —  Classics - 1939Classics RecordsCD
Abbruch nach 100 Einträgen