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25732 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: Jazztime
Musiker: Mattison, Bernie
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: tp

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Anzahl Alben: 13

Alben auf denen " Mattison, Bernie" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicEE 220041938-40LP
 Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  Clarinet Marmalade / Singin' The BluesParlophonePar (E) R29461940SH
 Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  That Old Gang Of Mine / After I Say I'm SorryVocalionVoc 56201940SH
 Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaJEE 220031938-40LP
 Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaEE 220041938-40LP
 Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLN 31061938-40LP
 Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaCL 6041954LP
 Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsB 07049 L1954LP
 Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsBBL 70351954LP
 Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsB 07676 R1954LP
 Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCOL-58931954CD
 Various  —  A visit to jazzland n°4PhilipsB 07754 R1928-54LP
 Various  —  This is Jazz no.1PhilipsB 07100 L1926-54LP
13 Einträge

Alben ↑    top ↑

Anzahl Tracks: 91

Tracks auf denen " Mattison, Bernie" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
360 special Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
4:20 a.m. (Progressive Jazz) Various  —  This is Jazz no.1PhilipsLP
A ghost of chance Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicLP
A ghost of chance Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaLP
A ghost of chance Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLP
A ghost of chance Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaLP
Blue and disillusioned Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicLP
Blue and disillusioned Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLP
Blue and disillusioned Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaLP
Blue and disillusioned Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaLP
California melodies Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Clarinet marmalade Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicLP
Clarinet marmalade Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaLP
Clarinet marmalade Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLP
Clarinet marmalade Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaLP
Come back little rocket Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Conversation Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Conversation Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Conversation Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Dance of Ayshe (Bazaar) Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Early Stan Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Good evening friends Boogie Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Good evening friends Boogie Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Good evening friends Boogie Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Here's Pete Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Here's Pete Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Here's Pete Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Jingle bells Mambo Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Jingle bells Mambo Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Jingle bells Mambo Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
King Porter Stomp Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
King Porter Stomp Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
King Porter Stomp Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Laura Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Mixin' the Blues Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Mixin' the Blues Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Mixin' the Blues Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
My funny Valentine Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
My funny Valentine Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
My funny Valentine Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Poinciana Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Poinciana Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Poinciana Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Poor butterfly Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicLP
Poor butterfly Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaLP
Poor butterfly Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLP
Poor butterfly Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaLP
Rugolo meets Sharing Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
Rugolo meets Sharing Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Rugolo meets Sharing Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
Rugolo meets Shearing Various  —  A visit to jazzland n°4PhilipsLP
Singin' the Blues Bobby Hackett & his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornEpicLP
Singin' the Blues Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  The Hackett HornColumbiaLP
Singin' the Blues Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNColumbiaLP
Singin' the Blues Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  THE HACKETT HORNEpicLP
That old black magic Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
There'll never be another you Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
There'll never be another you Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
There'll never be another you Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
You are too beautiful Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMColumbiaLP
You are too beautiful Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
You are too beautiful Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  ADVENTURES IN RHYTHMPhilipsLP
You stepped out of a dream Pete Rugolo and his Orchestra  —  INTRODUCING PETE RUGOLOPhilipsLP
Good Evening Friends Boogie Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
There Will Never Be Another You Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Conversation Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
You Are Too Beautiful Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Jingle Bells Mambo Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Sambamba Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
King Porter Stomp Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Rugolo Meets Shearing Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Mixin' The Blues Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Poinciana Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Here's Pete Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
My Funny Valentine Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Mañana Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Theme From The Lombardo Ending Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Sidewalks Of New York Mambo Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Come Back Little Rocket Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Laura Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
360 Special Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
You Stepped Out Of A Dream Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
California Melodies Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Bazaar Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Early Stan Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
That Old Black Magic Pete Rugolo And His Orchestra  —  Introducing... / Adventures In RhythmColumbiaCD
Singin' The Blues Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  Clarinet Marmalade / Singin' The BluesParlophoneSH
Clarinet Marmalade Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  Clarinet Marmalade / Singin' The BluesParlophoneSH
After I Say I'm Sorry Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  That Old Gang Of Mine / After I Say I'm SorryVocalionSH
That Old Gang Of Mine Bobby Hackett and his Orchestra  —  That Old Gang Of Mine / After I Say I'm SorryVocalionSH
91 Einträge