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25948 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Robinson, Lenjes
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: d

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Anzahl Alben: 1

Alben auf denen " Robinson, Lenjes" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul Defender0052005CD
1 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 13

Tracks auf denen " Robinson, Lenjes" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
The Moon Is Full EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Big Mother For Ya EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Shack Bully EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Sleeping In The Ground EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
29 Ways (Aka Twenty-Nine Ways To My Baby's Door) EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Love You Baby (Aka Loving Mother For You) EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Come On In This House EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Good Night Sweetheart EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Uh, Uh Baby EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
I Can't Stand Myself EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Grooving Together EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Monday Morning Blues (Aka Happy Birthday Blues) EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
Somebody Told You EB Davis & The Superband  —  Live At The A-Trane BerlinSoul DefenderCD
13 Einträge