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43977 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Carroll, David
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: b

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Anzahl Alben: 5

Alben auf denen " Carroll, David" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites ByWing RecordsMGW 12123*1954-57LP
 Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANMercury WingSRW 161231954-57LP
 Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANWing RecordsMGW 121231954-57LP
 Sarah Vaughan accompanied by Orchestras  —  The magic of Sarah VaughanMercurySR 601101956-58LP
 Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestBSW 0031968LP
5 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 16

Tracks auf denen " Carroll, David" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
April give me one more day Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANMercury WingLP
April give me one more day Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANWing RecordsLP
April give me one more day Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites ByWing RecordsLP
Don't look at me that way Sarah Vaughan accompanied by Orchestras  —  The magic of Sarah VaughanMercuryLP
I've got a new heartache Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANWing RecordsLP
I've got a new heartache Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites ByWing RecordsLP
I've got a new heartache Sarah Vaughan acc. by Orchestra  —  All Time Favorites by SARAH VAUGHANMercury WingLP
Too Late Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Ain't It A Shame Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
My Starter Won't Start Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Dark Clouds Rolling Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Lonesome La La Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Hoodoo Woman Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Free Hearted Man Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Mr.Charlie Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
Black Girl Silas Hogan  —  The Godfather 1968Blues South WestLP
16 Einträge