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Musiker: Damanico, Chuck
Instrumente: b

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Anzahl Alben: 2

Alben auf denen " Damanico, Chuck" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticSD 15201968LP
 Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiL 10031980LP
2 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 17

Tracks auf denen " Damanico, Chuck" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
'T was only yesterday Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
Bitter leaf Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
Calamus Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
In memoriam (John F. & Robert F. Kennedy ) Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
Lennie's pennies Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
Miles behind Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
The Duke Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
Upper Manhattan Medical Group Clare Fischer Big Band  —  THESAURUSAtlanticLP
The cat strikes agein Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
In search of truth Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
Lonely shepherd Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
Where is Magdalena? Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
wersi time Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
Free ride Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
Layin' low Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
Downhere on the ground Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
The big brawl Jimmy Smith  —  The Cat srikes againWersiLP
17 Einträge