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Musiker: Pugh, Joe B.
Instrumente: hca

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Anzahl Alben: 1

Alben auf denen " Pugh, Joe B." mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestige250051959 - 1960LP
1 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 15

Tracks auf denen " Pugh, Joe B." mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
Sweet Roseanne Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Mama's Gonna Buy Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
East Coast Line Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Buttermilk Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Tom Devil Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Riley Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
You Done Tol' Everybody Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
You Got Dimples In Your Jaws Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
It Just Suits Me Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
My Mother Died And Left Me Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Moses Dont Get Lost Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
No Room At The Inn/the Last Month Of The Year Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
I Wisht I Was In Heaven Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
Very Same Lord Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
The Proyer Wheel Various  —  Southern Journey 5 Deep South Sacred And SinfulPrestigeLP
15 Einträge