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Musiker: Tinsley, Charlotte
Instrumente: harp

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Alben auf denen " Tinsley, Charlotte" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsHSR-185 (HUK 185)1946LP
1 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 12

Tracks auf denen " Tinsley, Charlotte" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
E-bob-o-lee-bop Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Hardly ever amber Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
I only have eyes for you Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
I'll never be the same Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
I've got the world on a string Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Laura Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Minka Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Pico pick-up Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Spike rocks the troc Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Spike speakes Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
When yuba plays the rhumba on the tuba Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
Young man with a french horn Spike Jones And His Other Orchestra  —  The Uncollected - 1946Hindsight RecordsLP
12 Einträge