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Musiker: Henry, Ernie
Nationalität: US
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Anzahl Alben: 67

Alben auf denen " Henry, Ernie" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Charlie Parker / Dizzy Gillespie  —  Verve JAZZ BOOK, Record 10Verve2367 0311954-59LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveMG V-82421957LP
XDizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerve2304 3481957LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy GillespiePlanet Jazz74321 52069 21946-49CD
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCALPM 340441937-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorRD-78271937-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCANL89763(2)1946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCAPM 42 4081946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  I "CLASSICI" DEL BOPMusica Jazz2MJP 10531945-61LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Masters 10Verve516 319-21954-64CD
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol. 11Metro Records2356 0131950-59LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol. 11Verve23040671950-59LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  MELODIC REVOLUTIONAlto RecordsAL 7031948LP
 Dizzy Gillespie  —  The Best Of DIZZY GILLESPIERCACL 427871946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie & His Big Band  —  Live In Hi-Fi From BirdlandFanfare Records46-1461956LP
 Dizzy Gillespie & His Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE Volume 2RCA Victor731 0681946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie & his Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE'S ORCHESTRA VOL. 1 (1947-1949)RCA741 0951947-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Big Band  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE and his BIG BANDGNPGNP-23*1948LP
XDizzy Gillespie and his Big Band  —  SHRINE AUDITORIUMQueen DiscQ - 0031949LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  "Afro Cuban Bop" at the Royal RoostCicalaBLJ 80281948LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  GOLDEN TREAURY OF JAZZ - THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIE, Vol.2RCALPM-23981946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Good BaitSpotliteSPJ 1221948+49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Ol man RebopHis Masters VoiceDLP 10471946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE 1948 ORIGINAL BIG BANDVogueLD. 530-301948LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIERCARD-272421946-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLPM-23981946-49LP
XDizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE ORIGINAL DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND in ConcertGNP CrescendoGNP-231948LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and Mary Lou Williams (Side 1) - Count Basie and Joe Williams (Side 2) and their Orchestras  —  AT NEWPORTVerveMV 26201957LP
 Dizzy Gillespie and Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLPM-5301937-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  BOP BEST BANDVikKVP 1861947-49LP
 Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  THE NEWPORT YEARS VOLUME VVerveV6-88301957LP
 Dizzy Gillespie with Mary Lou Williams (Side 1) - Count Basie with Joe Williams (Side 2)  —  AT NEWPORTVerveMGV-82441957LP
 Dizzy Gillespie with Orchestras  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol.11Ex LibrisXL 171 1211950-59LP
 Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiverside68.949 oder RLP-266 oder OJC-086 oder 12-2661956-57LP
 Ernie Henry  —  Presenting: ERNIE HENRYMilestone RecordsSMJ-60401956LP
 Ernie Henry  —  SEVEN STANDARDS AND A BLUESRiversideOJC-1722 oder RLP 12-2481957LP
 Fats Navarro  —  BOPPIN' A RIFF VOL.1BYG Records529 1021946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  FAT GIRLSavoySJL 22161946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)Gdj 631946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO MEMORIAL 1946 / 1947MusidiscJA 51291946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  Fats Navarro Memorial Volume 1CBSM 521921946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  His Best Recordings 1946-1949Best Of Jazz40681946-49CD
 Fats Navarro  —  LINEA TRESavoyZNLY 333061946-47LP
 Fats Navarro  —  MemorialSavoySV-01811946/47CD
 Fats Navarro  —  NostalgiaDreyfusFDM 36736-21946-49CD
 Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteBST 84 554 XCT1947-49LP
 Fats Navarro  —  THE FABULOUS FATS NAVARRO, Volume 2Blue NoteBLP 15321948LP
 Illinois Jacquet  —  The Cool RageVerveVE2-25441952-54LP
 Illinois Jacquet and his Orchestra  —  COLLATES NO.2Clef RecordsMGC-1291951-52LP
 James Moody / George Wallington  —  THE BEGINNING AND END OF BOPBlue NoteB-65031948+54LP
 James Moody / George Wallington  —  The Beginning and End of BopBlue NoteB-6503 K1948+54LP
 Kenny Dorham  —  But BeautifulMilestone Records470361957 - 1959LP
 Kenny Dorham Quartet  —  2 horns // 2 rhythmRiversideRLP 12-2551957LP
 Sara Vaughan, Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Dizzy Gillespie  —  I GIGANTI DEL JAZZ, 2CURCIO / I Giganti del JazzGJ-21953-59LP
 Thelonious Monk  —  BrillianceMilestone Records60291956 - 1959LP
 Thelonious Monk  —  brilliant cornersRiversideRLP 12-226 oder OJC-026 oder RLP-2261956LP
 Thelonious Monk  —  Brilliant cornersRiversideRLP11741956LP
 Various  —  BLUE NOTE'S THREE DECADES OF JAZZBlue NoteBST 899021939-1949LP
 Various  —  FATS NAVARROGiants Of JazzLPJT 541946-49LP
 Various  —  LE TROMBE DEL JAZZ MODERNOMusica Jazz2MJP 10371948-65LP
 Various  —  MASTERS OF THE MODERN PIANO (1955 -1966)VerveVE-2-25141955-66LP
 Various  —  THE BE BOP ERARCA VictorLPV-519 / LPM-519 / RD 79091946-50LP
 Various  —  The Be-Bop EraRCA VictorRD 79091946-50LP
XVarious  —  THE BEBOP BOYSSavoyWL70547 / SJL22251946-53LP
 Various  —  THE FINEST IN JAZZ SINCE 1939Blue NoteBST2-844291948-65LP
67 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 393
Es werden max. 100 Tracks angezeigt.

Tracks auf denen " Henry, Ernie" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
'Sposin' Kenny Dorham Quartet  —  2 horns // 2 rhythmRiversideLP
A bebop carroll Fats Navarro  —  FAT GIRLSavoyLP
A bebop carroll-master Fats Navarro  —  FAT GIRLSavoyLP
A night in Tunisia Dizzy Gillespie and Mary Lou Williams (Side 1) - Count Basie and Joe Williams (Side 2) and their Orchestras  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
A night in Tunisia DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND  —  GROOVIN' HIGHBandstand RecordsLP
Algo bueno Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Good BaitSpotliteLP
All the things you are Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiversideLP
Autumn leaves Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiversideLP
Ba-lue bolivar ba-lues-are Thelonious Monk  —  Brilliant cornersRiversideLP
Ba-lue Bolivar ba-lues-are Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiversideLP
Ba-lue Bolivar ba-lues-are Thelonious Monk  —  brilliant cornersRiversideLP
Baby I'm coming homeXVarious  —  THE BEBOP BOYSSavoyLP
Barry's bop Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)LP
Be bop Caroll Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)LP
Be bop Caroll Fats Navarro  —  LINEA TRESavoyLP
Be bop Carroll Fats Navarro  —  BOPPIN' A RIFF VOL.1BYG RecordsLP
Be bop romp Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)LP
Be-bop Carroll Fats Navarro  —  Fats Navarro Memorial Volume 1CBSLP
Be-bop Carroll Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO MEMORIAL 1946 / 1947MusidiscLP
Beauty and the blues Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiversideLP
Birk's Works Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Masters 10VerveCD
Bluesitis Illinois Jacquet and his Orchestra  —  COLLATES NO.2Clef RecordsLP
Bluesitis Illinois Jacquet  —  The Cool RageVerveLP
Boot 'em up Illinois Jacquet  —  The Cool RageVerveLP
Boperation Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteLP
Boperation Various  —  FATS NAVARROGiants Of JazzLP
Boperation Fats Navarro  —  THE FABULOUS FATS NAVARRO, Volume 2Blue NoteLP
Brillant corners Thelonious Monk  —  Brilliant cornersRiversideLP
Brilliant corners Thelonious Monk  —  brilliant cornersRiversideLP
Carioca Dizzy Gillespie and Mary Lou Williams (Side 1) - Count Basie and Joe Williams (Side 2) and their Orchestras  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Carioca Dizzy Gillespie with Mary Lou Williams (Side 1) - Count Basie with Joe Williams (Side 2)  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Carioca Various  —  MASTERS OF THE MODERN PIANO (1955 -1966)VerveLP
Cleo's chant Ernie Henry  —  LAST CHORUSRiversideLP
Cool breezeXDizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Cool breeze Dizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Cool breeze Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Good BaitSpotliteLP
Cool breeze Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  BOP BEST BANDVikLP
Cu-ba James Moody / George Wallington  —  THE BEGINNING AND END OF BOPBlue NoteLP
Cu-ba James Moody / George Wallington  —  The Beginning and End of BopBlue NoteLP
Cubana be, cubana bop Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  BOP BEST BANDVikLP
Dameronia Various  —  BLUE NOTE'S THREE DECADES OF JAZZBlue NoteLP
Dameronia 1 Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteLP
Dameronia 2 Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteLP
Dizzier and dizzier (Katy) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Dizzier and dizzier (Katy) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  GOLDEN TREAURY OF JAZZ - THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIE, Vol.2RCALP
Dizzier and dizzier (Katy) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  "Afro Cuban Bop" at the Royal RoostCicalaLP
Dizzier and dizzier (Katy) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE GREATEST Of DIZZY GILLESPIERCALP
Dizzier and dizzier (Katy) Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  BOP BEST BANDVikLP
Dizzy's BluesXDizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Dizzy's Blues Dizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Doodlin'XDizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Doodlin' Dizzy Gillespie  —  AT NEWPORTVerveLP
Double talk Various  —  FATS NAVARROGiants Of JazzLP
Double talk Fats Navarro  —  THE FABULOUS FATS NAVARRO, Volume 2Blue NoteLP
Double talk 1 Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteLP
Double talk 2 Fats Navarro  —  PRIME SOURCEBlue NoteLP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie & his Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE'S ORCHESTRA VOL. 1 (1947-1949)RCALP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCALP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Duff capers Dizzy Gillespie and Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Emanon Dizzy Gillespie and his Big Band  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE and his BIG BANDGNPLP
EmanonXDizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE ORIGINAL DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND in ConcertGNP CrescendoLP
Emanon Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE 1948 ORIGINAL BIG BANDVogueLP
Enchantment Dizzy Gillespie  —  MELODIC REVOLUTIONAlto RecordsLP
Fats blows Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)LP
Goin' to Minton's Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO di Pino CandiniFabbri Editori (i grandi del JAZZ)LP
Gone with the wind Fats Navarro  —  BOPPIN' A RIFF VOL.1BYG RecordsLP
Gone with the wind Fats Navarro  —  Fats Navarro Memorial Volume 1CBSLP
Gone with the wind Fats Navarro  —  FATS NAVARRO MEMORIAL 1946 / 1947MusidiscLP
Gone with the wind Fats Navarro  —  FAT GIRLSavoyLP
Good Bait Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy GillespiePlanet JazzCD
Good bait Dizzy Gillespie and his Big Band  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE and his BIG BANDGNPLP
Good baitXDizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE ORIGINAL DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND in ConcertGNP CrescendoLP
Good bait Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE 1948 ORIGINAL BIG BANDVogueLP
Good bait Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Good BaitSpotliteLP
Good bait Dizzy Gillespie Big Band  —  BOP BEST BANDVikLP
Groovin' high Dizzy Gillespie with Orchestras  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol.11Ex LibrisLP
Groovin' high Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol. 11VerveLP
Groovin' high Dizzy Gillespie  —  Jazz Spectrum Vol. 11Metro RecordsLP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie & his Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE'S ORCHESTRA VOL. 1 (1947-1949)RCALP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCALP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie and Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Guarachi guaro Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Guarachi guaro (What-cha-wa-hoo) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  "Afro Cuban Bop" at the Royal RoostCicalaLP
Half Nelson Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  Good BaitSpotliteLP
Hey Pete ! le's eat mo' meat Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Hey Pete ! le's eat mo' meat Dizzy Gillespie  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCALP
Hey Pete! le's eat mo' meat Dizzy Gillespie and Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIERCA VictorLP
Hey Pete, le's eat mo' meat ! Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Hey Pete, le's eat mo' meat ! Dizzy Gillespie  —  Dizzy Gillespie, Volume 1/2 (1946-1949)RCALP
Hey Pete, le's eat mo' meat! Dizzy Gillespie & his Orchestra  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE'S ORCHESTRA VOL. 1 (1947-1949)RCALP
I can't get started Dizzy Gillespie and his Big Band  —  DIZZY GILLESPIE and his BIG BANDGNPLP
I can't get startedXDizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE ORIGINAL DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND in ConcertGNP CrescendoLP
I can't get started Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra  —  THE 1948 ORIGINAL BIG BANDVogueLP
Abbruch nach 100 Einträgen