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74675 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Julye, Kathryn
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: harp

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Anzahl Alben: 3

Alben auf denen " Julye, Kathryn" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsST 15861960+61LP
 June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsST 13081959LP
 Louis Prima and Keely Smith with Sam Butera and the Witnesses  —  HEY BOY ! HEY GIRL !CapitalT 11601956-58LP
3 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 17

Tracks auf denen " Julye, Kathryn" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
All you need is a quarter June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsLP
Asking for you June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsLP
Cry like the wind June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsLP
I know about love June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsLP
Make someone happy June Christy acc. by Bob Cooper's Orchestra  —  DO-RE-MICapitol RecordsLP
Nitey-nite Louis Prima and Keely Smith with Sam Butera and the Witnesses  —  HEY BOY ! HEY GIRL !CapitalLP
You are my love Louis Prima and Keely Smith with Sam Butera and the Witnesses  —  HEY BOY ! HEY GIRL !CapitalLP
Don't get around much anymore June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Make love to me June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
My ship June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Shadow woman June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Kissing bug June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
I'm in love June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Do nothin' till you hear from me June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
I had a little sorrow June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Bewitched June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
Night people June Christy acc. by Orchestra cond. by Bob Cooper  —  Ballads for night peopleCapitol RecordsLP
17 Einträge