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74783 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Page, Billy
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: cl
Stile / Genres   
Traditional Jazz → New Orleans

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Anzahl Alben: 6

Alben auf denen " Page, Billy" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators  —  King Oliver and his Dixie SyncopatorsCoral RecordsEPC 94 1121926-28EP
 King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 - 1928  —  KING OLIVER Volume 1BrunswickBL 580201926-28LP
 King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 -1928  —  KING OLIVERVogue CoralLRA 100201926-28LP
 King Oliver's Dixie (Savannah) Syncopators  —  Pioneers of Jazz, Vol. 11Coral RecordsEPC 942111926+27EP
XKing Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith  —  The Blues HeritageOlympic RecordsOL-71041923-27LP
 Various  —  NEW ORLEANS DIXIELAND CHICAGOBrunswick87 003 LPBM1926-52LP
6 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 9

Tracks auf denen " Page, Billy" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
Jackass Blues King Oliver's Dixie (Savannah) Syncopators  —  Pioneers of Jazz, Vol. 11Coral RecordsEP
Sugar Foot Stomp King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators  —  King Oliver and his Dixie SyncopatorsCoral RecordsEP
Sugar foot Stomp King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 - 1928  —  KING OLIVER Volume 1BrunswickLP
Sugar foot Stomp King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 -1928  —  KING OLIVERVogue CoralLP
Sugarfoot stomp ( Dippermouth blues)XKing Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith  —  The Blues HeritageOlympic RecordsLP
Too bad King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 - 1928  —  KING OLIVER Volume 1BrunswickLP
Too bad King Oliver and his Dixie Syncopators 1926 -1928  —  KING OLIVERVogue CoralLP
Wa-Wa-Wa King Oliver's Dixie (Savannah) Syncopators  —  Pioneers of Jazz, Vol. 11Coral RecordsEP
9 Einträge