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76014 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Bowne, Douglas
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: d
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Anzahl Alben: 4

Alben auf denen " Bowne, Douglas" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCDP 7243 8 37183 2 01995CD
 Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsJP 20151982LP
XThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIsland207 8371986LP
 The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsJP 20121982LP
4 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 35

Tracks auf denen " Bowne, Douglas" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
Fusion Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
In retrospect Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
L' embrace Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
Morning sun Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
Polaris Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
Theme for the uncommon man Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
Valentine Teo Macero cond. the London Philharmonic Orchestra feat. the Lounge Lizards  —  FusionEuropa RecordsLP
They were insaneXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
The Punch and Judy tangoXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
Map of bubblesXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
Big heartXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
Hair StreetXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
Fat houseXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
It could have been very very beautifulXThe Lounge Lizards  —  BIG HEARTIslandLP
32-20 Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Memphis Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Harvest Moon Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
A Little Warm Death Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Until Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Last Train To Clarksville Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Find Him Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Skylark Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Death Letter Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Solomon Sang Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Love Is Blindness Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
Strange Fruit Cassandra Wilson  —  New Moon DaughterBlue NoteCD
The pedestrian The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Carz-a-poppin The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Out to lunch The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Hair Street The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Rangers in paradise The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
In a sentimental mood The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Loons The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
Stompin' at the corona The Lounge Lizards  —  LIVE FROM THE DRUNKEN BOATEuropa RecordsLP
35 Einträge