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84602 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Sam, Calvin
Nationalität: US
Instrumente: rubb

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Anzahl Alben: 2

Alben auf denen " Sam, Calvin" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5Arhoole10811979LP
 Various  —  SAN FRANCISCO BLUES FESTIVAL VOL. 3Solid SmokeSS-80111978-79LP
2 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 14

Tracks auf denen " Sam, Calvin" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
Country boy Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Going down to big Mary Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Good rockin' Sam's Boogie Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
I'm a hog for you Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
I'm a hog, baby Various  —  SAN FRANCISCO BLUES FESTIVAL VOL. 3Solid SmokeLP
La la waltz Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Lafayette special Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Lafayette zydeco Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Mama Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Roll me baby Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
S. A. M. Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
S. B. 5 Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
Sugar cane patch Sam Brothers Five with Daddy "Good Rockin'" Sam  —  SAM BROS. 5ArhooleLP
14 Einträge