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85985 / Daten zuletzt bearbeitet von: SJO allgemein
Musiker: Pauwels, Robert
Nationalität: DE
Instrumente: tp

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Anzahl Alben: 2

Alben auf denen " Pauwels, Robert" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsP 14006 R1958LP
 Hot Club Frankfurt  —  SWING UNDER THE NAZIS 1941 -1944Harlequin RecordsHQ 20511941-44LP
2 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 11

Tracks auf denen " Pauwels, Robert" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
My blue heaven Hot Club Frankfurt  —  SWING UNDER THE NAZIS 1941 -1944Harlequin RecordsLP
On the sunny side of the street Hot Club Frankfurt  —  SWING UNDER THE NAZIS 1941 -1944Harlequin RecordsLP
Bugle call rag Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
Coquette Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
Skyliner Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
That's a plenty Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
One o'clock jump Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
Christopher Columbus Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
Harlem Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
Jersey bounce Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
At the woodchopper's ball Francis Bay and his Orchestra  —  All that SWINGPhilipsLP
11 Einträge