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Musiker: Hawkins, Gerry
Nationalität: GB
Instrumente: b

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Anzahl Alben: 5

Alben auf denen " Hawkins, Gerry" mitwirkt:
X = Album im einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 1)Microgrooveunbekannt1948-53LP
 Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 2)Microgrooveunbekannt*1948-53LP
 Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLF 10401949-50LP
 Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLPB 3371949-50LP
 Various  —  LONDON TRAD SCENE, THE '50'sAce of ClubsACL 11541950-58LP
5 Einträge

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Anzahl Tracks: 22

Tracks auf denen " Hawkins, Gerry" mitwirkt:
Track-TitelX = Album im SJO-Shop erhältlich
Alagazam Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Alagazam Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 2)MicrogrooveLP
Alagazam Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Big chief battle-axe Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 1)MicrogrooveLP
Boo-bee-oo-bee Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Boo-bee-oo-bee Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Hindustan Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 1)MicrogrooveLP
Long John stomp Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Long John stomp Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
National emblem Various  —  LONDON TRAD SCENE, THE '50'sAce of ClubsLP
National emblem-march Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
National emblem-march Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Ory's Creole Trombone Various  —  LONDON TRAD SCENE, THE '50'sAce of ClubsLP
Ory's Creole trombone Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Ory's Creole trombone Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Parade of the pieces Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Parade of the pieces Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Port royal rag Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  HARRY GOLD (LP 1)MicrogrooveLP
Skeleton jangle Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Skeleton jangle Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
Smokey mokes Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  PARADE OF THE PIECESDeccaLP
Smokey mokes Harry Gold and his Pieces of Eight  —  Parade of the piecesLondonLP
22 Einträge