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Liste der Alben (Label)

Alben des Labels    Whiskey Woman and ...

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Anzahl Alben: 5

X = Album in einem SJO-Shop erhältlich
 Album-Bezeichnung: Interpret  —  Titel
 "Doc" Pomus  —  It's great to be young and in loveWhiskey, Woman , and ...KM-7131947-60LP
 "Doc" Pomus  —  Send for the doctorWhiskey, Woman , and ...KM-7001945-55LP
 Snub Mosley and his Band  —  The Man With The Funny Little HornWhiskey, Woman, and ...KM-7091940-49LP
XSammy Price and his Texas Blusicians  —  DO YOU DIG MY JIVEWhiskey, Woman, and... RecordKM-7041929-48LP
 Willis Jackson  —  On My OwnWhiskey, Woman, and...Record CompanyKM-7051950-57LP
5 Einträge