Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-4: "It's the talk of the town"

Interpret: Johnny Desmond

Recording: 1940-1949

Genre  Subgenre
Johnny DesmondUSvoc,


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Various — The Big Band Era - The Passing of the 40's - Volume II

Label: Productions Omega
Label-Nummer: LSP - 4602
Aufnahmedatum: 1940-1949
Land: US
extern: Discogs   
Tonträger: LP
Mitwirkende / weitere Interpreten- Ted Weems
- Harry James Orchestra
- Ella Fitzgerald
- Johnny Desmond
- Mel Torme
- Louis Armstrong
- Tommy Dorsey Orchestra
- Glenn Miller Orchestra
- Ink Spots
- Norman Brooks With The Al Goodman Orchestra
- Benny Goodman Orchestra
- Lena Horne
- Judy Garland