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LP:  Various — Tough Mamas
Label: Krazy Kat
Label-Nummer: KK 7448
Aufnahmedatum: 1989
Land: GB
extern: Discogs   
Tonträger: LP
Liner Notes Verfasser: Chris Bentley, December 1989
Mitwirkende / weitere InterpretenPearl Reaves And The Concords / Big "Mama" Thornton / Madonna Martin / Honey Brown With Freddie Mitchell Orchestra / Jo Evans With Maxwell Davis And His Orchestra / Martha Moore / Gladys Bentley Quintette / Sheri Washington And Band / Big Bertha Henderson With Al Smith Orchestra / Dell Graham (with Que Martin and his Band) / Rose Johnson (with Fats Gaines and his Band) / Ann Carter / Fluffy Hunter (with Buddy Banks Sextet) / Dorothy Ellis
Pearl Reaves voc,
"Big Mama" (Willie Mae) ThorntonUSvoc,
Sophie TuckerUSvoc, p,
Honey BrownUSvoc,
Josie Mae EvansUSvoc,
Martha MooreUSvoc,
Gladys BentleyUSvoc, p,
Sheri WashingtonUSvoc,
Bertha Henderson voc,
Dell GrahamUSvoc,
Rose JohnsonUSvoc,
Ann CarterUSvoc,
Fluffy HunterUSvoc,
Dorothy EllisUSvoc,
1-1You can't stay here (step it up and go)
1-2You did me wrong
1-3Rattlesnakin' Daddy
1-4Rockin' and jumpin'
1-5Lonesome and mistreated
1-6Drummer Man Blues
1-7I gets hard way to go
1-8Boggie'n my Woogie
1-9Modonna's Boogie
1-10Ain't talkin' to you Baby
1-11Rock, Daddy, rock
1-12Work with it
1-13He's a real fine man
1-14You oughta quit it
1-15Hi Jinks Blues
1-16Drill Daddy drill