Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-1: "Too marvelous for words 1"

Interpret: Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores

Recording: 23.03.1937 New York

Genre  Subgenre


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Chu Berry — THE CALLOWAY YEARS 1937 -1941

Label: Meritt
Label-Nummer: 21/22*
Aufnahmedatum: 1937-41
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: New York / Chicago / St. Paul-Minneapolis
Tonträger: LP
Liner Notes Verfasser: Evert (Ted) Kaleveld
Mitwirkende / weitere Interpreten- Chu Berry and his Stompy Stevedores;
- Cab Calloway and his Orchestra;
- Teddy Wilson and his Orchestra;
- WNEW Radio Jam Session;
- Wingy Manone and his Orchestra;
- The Cab Jivers.