Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-2: "I found a million dollar baby"

Interpret: Bing Crospy acc. by studio orchestra

Recording: 12.06.1931

Genre  Subgenre
Bing CrosbyUSvoc,
Unsichere Musikerzuordnung: eventuell spielen nicht alle aufgeführten Musiker auf diesem Track mit.


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Various — TIGER RAG 1931

Label: Phontastic
Label-Nummer: NOST 7619
Aufnahmedatum: 1931
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: Unbekannt
Tonträger: LP
Liner Notes Verfasser: Anders R Ohman
Mitwirkende / weitere InterpretenTed Lewis and his Orchestra
Bing Crospy
Fletcher Henderson an his Orchestra
Johnny Walker and his Orchestra
The Charleston Chasers
Fats Waller
Joe Venuti-Eddie Lang and thair All-Star Orchestra
The Mills Brothers
Duke Ellington and his Orhestra
Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra
Mildred Bailey with Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Don Redman and his Orchestra
Al Bowlly with the New Mayfair Orchestra