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CD:  Swiss Jazz Orchestra — Close Encounter
Label: Mons Records
Label-Nummer: 874 469
Aufnahmedatum: 2009
Land: CH
Aufnahmeort: Zürich Radio Studio
Helvetica: Hat Bezug zur Schweiz
Tonträger: CD
Liner Notes Verfasser: Bert Joris
Bert JorisBEld,
Johannes WalterCHflh, tp,
Daniel WoodtliCHflh, tp,
Stephan GeiserCHflh, tp,
Thomas KnuchelCHflh, tp,
Vincent LachatCHtb,
Stefan SchlegelCHtb,
Andreas TschoppCHtb,
Reto ZumsteinCHb-tb,
Adrian "Adi" PflugshauptCHas, fl, ss,
Jürg BucherCHas, cl,
Klaus WidmerCHts,
Till GrünewaldCHcl, ts,
Marc SchödlerCHb-cl, bar,
Philip HenziCHp,
Michael ZismanCHban,
Lorenz BeyelerCHb,
Tobias FriedliCHd,
1-2Si son Rosas
1-3Close Encounter On The 4th Kind
1-6El Circo
1-7Agua Tinta
Having led the Swiss Jazz School big band for the last 20 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting new young talent each term. Once in a while however, it happens that you get an exceptional combination of students you’ll never forget. Such is the case with the solid base of the SJO, and I have a very special place in my heart for them.
When the band was founded they gathered some excellent youngsters sharing the same idealism for this music and started performing on a weekly basis. It has been amazing to watch their growth in craftsmanship and maturity since, and I love to go and listen to them when they play one of their Monday night concerts at the Bierhübeli in Berne.
It didn’t take me long to accept their offer to arrange and compose specifically for this project, and I’m very proud of the results. The less evident choice of featuring a bandoneon with the ensemble is purely by grace of the immense talent of another former student, Michael Zisman. In his melodies and improvisations a true new voice shines that cannot leave you without emotion. Enjoy…