Daten erfasst von: SJO allgemein
Track 1-12: "Sugar foot stomp"

Interpret: Connie's Inn Orchestra

Recording: 25.08.1931 New York

Genre  Subgenre


Dieser Track gehört zum Album

Various — NEW YORK JAZZ Vol.19 1928-1933

Featuring: Bunny Berigan, Benny Goodman, Colman Hawkins, Henry "Red" Allen, Cliff Jackson, Luis Russell, Johnny Hodges, Rex Stewart, Russel Procope, Cootie Williams
Label: Historical Records
Label-Nummer: ASC 5829-19 / ASC-19 / NO.19
Aufnahmedatum: 1928-33
Land: US
Aufnahmeort: New York / Richmond IN.
Tonträger: LP
Mitwirkende / weitere Interpreten- Lou and his Gingersnaps (Louis Russell);
- Earl Jackson's Musical Champions;
- Adrian Rollini's Orchestra;
- Carmichael's Collegians;
- Cliff Jackson and his Krazy Kats;
- The Moonlight Revellers;
- Connie's Inn Orchestra (Fletcher Henderson);
- Harlem Hot Chocolates (Duke Ellington).